Can’t find the new video. Watched again the first one, and I must admit the form factor is really cool
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This seems really cool indeed. However, over time, I’ve learned to be wary of these ultra-trendy promotional videos. 600$ seems very steep for (more or less) only a chord and arpeggio generator. It reminds me of Teenage Engineering products and marketing style.
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It works !
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Do you think it might be possible with Bluesky ?
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Nice to meet you Andreas. Out of curiosity, which hardcore bands do you listen to ?
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Ok, is my .plist file supposed to look like that ? It seems strange, and I can’t find any « dict » 🤨 
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Well, even in France, betting 2K and travelling a whole summer in Europe are not typically middle class behaviours. I guess the spectrum of the middle class is very wide and highly subjective too
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