Well, even in France, betting 2K and travelling a whole summer in Europe are not typically middle class behaviours. I guess the spectrum of the middle class is very wide and highly subjective too
Tout juste de retour de cinq jours à crapahuter autour de la route des crêtes dans les Vosges. Les montagnes me manquent déjà…
Thanks @anton for this nice blog service, I’m loving it so far !
I haven't been listening to a lot of new music lately, but here are some releases from October that I really liked :
The Smile "Cutouts"
The Hard Quartet "The Hard Quartet"
Christopher Owens "I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair"
The Necks "Bleed"
Anna Butterss "Mighty Vertebrate"
Just listened to 9 minutes of :
“Got mashed potatoes
Got mashed potatoes
Got mashed potatoes
Ain't got no T-Bone
Ain't got no T-Bone”
Man, Neil Young did some pretty intense stuff.