Ok. Weird. public.me stopped publishing during the night. Something just stuck. And maybe it just repeated one hour ago. Probably will need to think about it over the weekend. Anyone remembers Twitter Whale from 10+ years ago?
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Mer de nuages dans les Vosges la semaine dernière. On en mangerait. #photography
Hello World!
That is a lot of questions. Good ones. > what is the funding model and how is it sustainable? currently self funded and also accept donations https://public.me/anton/07c782eb-9a30-4c7b-a975-ca476bd96a2d the project is new so that I don’t try to overthink it. I will see what is the actual cost of running it after the first month. So the first goal is just to cover costs. Hopefully they shouldn’t be high for now if I did things correctly. > what is the privacy policy? need to do that. But basically everything you send to hi@public.me is public. Unless you delete it. > is metadata stripped from media uploads before publishing? I think so, need to double check. Good question > is there a plan to integrate android or other messaging platforms?   Not really. Especially for now. Maybe that will work with RCS support that will be added soon. But I didn’t investigate it at all.
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(intro post) Alright, I guess I’m going to introduce myself properly. I’m David, a 43 years old guy living in Cherbourg, France. Father of two girls aged 11 and 13. I’ve been working as a broadcast sound engineer at Radio France for almost 20 years now. I’m a musician, have had several bands in the past, but I'm making music on my own at the moment. I’m also into photography, I like to combine it with hiking in the great outdoors. Sometimes get frustrated living so far from the mountains. And I love surfing and riding bikes. Plan to try bike-packing someday soon. I love public.me so far, can’t wait to see which direction it takes. I will post in English or French depending on my mood. #publicme #introduction


Hello everyone. I’m Andreas, a father of three (two teenagers and a 20 yo) who’s been working as a journalist nearly twenty years. I live in Stockholm but grew up in a small place in the Swedish countryside. Some of the things I like: • veggie food • working out • 90’s hardcore music • reading books • beer • tiny blogging services • journalism #publicme