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Merry Christmas 🎄
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A gift from Hamer.
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ChatGPT is currently unavailable. Status: Identified - We have reports of API calls returning errors, and difficulties logging in to and ChatGPT. We have identified the issue and are working to roll out a fix.
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Welcome to the Friends smelly cat small wine house.
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Oh, by the way, Hamer lost her third tooth today—the upper right lateral incisor. It fell out during her PE class at school.
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When foreigners sing Chinese songs, it often feels like they’re singing in English.
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It’s been extremely cold in Beijing these past two days.
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This morning, I took Hamer and her friend out for some exercise. We used agility ladder ropes and rings, played badminton and tennis, ran three relay races, and finished with a fun ring toss game. The whole morning flew by in no time!
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Today, I left work early for a change and took Hamer along to pick up Xiaoyan from her office. Afterward, we went out for some Hunan noodles together. On the way back, it was freezing, and Hamer fell asleep from exhaustion. Xiaoyan remarked that I wasn’t tough enough to endure hardship, riding an electric scooter in such cold weather.
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Today, I experienced “Murphy’s Law” firsthand: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. If you’re worried about something happening, it becomes even more likely. A task related to the sample interval on my Kanban to-do list was marked as “done” a few days ago without actually being addressed. This afternoon, during testing, the issue related to it was discovered.
While looking into a question from another developer, I found I had so many not understood terminology. For example, Global Request Handler, Non-Loadable Object.
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Close friends journey together in harmony.
Try to @puran for testing.
This Saturday morning, I played badminton and tennis in the park that beside her previous kindergarten. Until this morning, I was realized that this is a very good place for us to play.
Woke up early this morning and can’t help myself to explore the solution for devices connecting.

You won’t know this is me at June 2017.

The first time to use iMessage to publish a blog via It looks amazing and like a magic.
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