<- from the always interesting hinternet substack
The data-storage revolution, that is, the sudden astronomical increase in the practically free availability of practically unlimited online space for anyone who wants it means you can now go online and find two-hour videos of people making linguopalatal click sounds with their mouths and a whole genre of videos of people who will help you go to sleep by narrating only the most soporific information they can find.
@anton not being able to delete a post seems to me to be the most serious limitation currently
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Edited 36 seconds later
Edited 36 seconds later1 reply
@anton would it be desirable to have a page showing what everyone is posting? once there is more than like a few dozen users it might become too much 🫣 but for now i do like seeing what people are doing here… #publicme
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why were there 4,593,863 dns queries in a single month for domains i own? is that normal?
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will i be punished? — oh yes. your punishment is to be you, to have to live with yourself.
its annoying how iMessage splits up the url and a the text in a message so if you post a URL with a comment its two separate posts or is that just me? #public.me
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The leaves of the trees in the forest, when there is no one around to see them, are colourless – as is everything else. Why? Because there is no such 'thing' as colour; it only exists when there is an animal with a certain kind of perceptual system to perceive it. And also, because everyone's perceptual system is unique, and so therefore are their perceptions, no two animals, human or otherwise, ever see exactly the same colours.
The leaves of the trees in the forest, when there is no one around to see them, are colourless – as is everything else. Why? Because there is no such 'thing' as colour; it only exists when there are animals with certain kinds of perceptual systems to perceive it. And also, because everyone's perceptual system is unique, and so therefore are their perceptions, no two animals, human or otherwise, ever see exactly the same colours.

is that true or is it trululu?

Trululu is a slang term derived from the word "true." It originated in response to the term delulu (meaning "delusional"), which is used by Gen Zers to describe someone as having unrealistic, overly optimistic, or fanciful beliefs or expectations.
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the burning of zozobra