
2025 stay sharp, stay keen, stay lean and stay mean.  we have a long road ahead.


are we sure the only way out is through? like. are we sure we can't just. go around


You Exist In The Long Context: In a long-context world, maybe the organizations that benefit from AI will not be the ones with the most powerful models, but rather the ones with the most artfully curated contexts. Perhaps we'll discover that organizations perform better if they include more eclectic sources in their compiled knowledge bases, or if they employ professional archivists who annotate and selectively edit the company history to make it more intelligible to the model.


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things are impermanent𓀀 all tastes come from life.


literally training my mind to think better, respond better, react better!!!


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i see that i've carefully put that important document away in a completely unknown location


露の世は露の世ながらさりながら tsuyu no yo wa tsuyu no yo nagara sari nagara 这世界如露水般短暂,然而,然而……


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It feels good to have someone to accompany me to the hospital 💉 and discuss the subtle art of not giving a fuck(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)What a lovely day!


I am curious to know if I send a digital touch to the public, can internet feel my touch?
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