Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning to work, and recovering from work.". Bob Black in the End of Work.
The slave starts to understand that they are not just a slave; they are a person with their own thoughts, desires, and capabilities. The master, who seemed so powerful at first, is actually dependent on the slave, making their power less meaningful. This process of change and understanding is not about winning a fight, but about how the mind comes to know itself. - Hagel’s Master Slave theory simplified.
The pursuit of desires and negating them is a manifestation of the search for freedom and mastery over the external world.- Hagel
“The strong man believes in cause and effect while the weak man believes in luck,” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Do not cast pearls before swine. Stop talking to people who aren’t listening to you. - Jordan Peterson
You can do what you will, but you cannot will what you will. - Schopenhauer
He (David Hume) woke me up from my deep slumber. (On causality existence) - Emanuel Kant.
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity- Simone Weil
The poor don’t talk! They make noises which sound familiar to the people who they want to communicate with!
Love your enemies! Seriously! They keep you on your toes! The trick is most enemies are disguised as well wishers 😂
The only reason men do not commit suicide is cause they keep seeing beautiful young women who light a fire 🔥 of hope in their soul.
Religion is a sense making tool. It gives meaning to your suffering, it gives you mantras when you are in trouble. It gives you hope that your good deeds and hard work will bear fruit. What if you don’t want to escape suffering? What if you don’t want to live on hope? Is there still need for religion?
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The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must! - Thucydides
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Before the ugliness of everyday life consumes you. Some eye candy! At this age, one is permitted nature for eye candy 🍭
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Found a good album after a long time! Its lyrics are about love and would appeal to the young. But the words are soothing and music is peaceful surrender.
Everything happens for good. This is the most cliche thing you can hear. Also, this is almost used looking back. While eveyone wants it their way, but sometimes you can use to pacify your ego, be a good loser? Sometimes it used as a sign of surrender. I did my best, but this is God’s plan so it must be for the best! Do you also believe in “Everything happens for Good”