Is there any way on this to pass through a hyperlinked text? I tried markdown with no success but maybe I missed how to actually do it. Would be nice but not necessary overall.
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Decided to make this [run](https://www.strava.com/activities/13549123820) a little longer today as the temperature seemed better than yesterday. Had the trail to myself except for what appeared to be a [frozen squirrel](/2025/02/05/ran-across-this-little-guy).
I have still been spending too much time tweaking Obsidian to post to my Micro.blog site but I kind of like how it has come together. I need to write up what i did more so I remember in the future so I could easily take the export and do it again.
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I kind of keep forgetting about this fun Text Messaging blogging platform. Just so simple I am not sure why I don’t use it more than I do.
Finished one of the Christmas movie classics Christmas Vacation… 🎄
I have been down a little rabbit hole lately checking out Obsidian Publish. It is kind of interesting and since I use Obsidian anyways I really could see how it would be nice to use. However, there is still some friction on anyone wanting to read side of a site so that might be the answer.
Have been super busy and had a long kids hockey weekend. I am really looking forward for this week to wrap up for hopefully some time off and relaxing.
Glad to see Public.me is working again! I still do enjoy this concept.
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🏒 Watching some hockey… Let’s go Eagles! 🦅
🏃‍♂️Was a cold one out but glad to get a run in right before dinner.
In Public.Me thoughts… I still find this so fascinating as I am not on the online site but just feel like I am texting a friend or making a random entry… Kind of fun still! 🤷‍♂️
Working on performance reviews which is never a good thing.. Just down to the last one which will most likely be tomorrow. Which of course… They are due on Tuesday 🫠
🏊‍♀️ Up early today for the youngest swim meet.
Well that is really cool you can quickly edit posts from iMessage too. The only issue I am seeing is that posts with Photos get disconnected then. Actually I take that back it completely deletes the posts from what I can tell at this point.
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I will say having this in my iMessage makes me think I should post something randomly every now and then. I like that concept. This could be a quicker way to post things that get cross posted (if you wanted). The only issue is each of my “posts” say Eric’s Post in the title.
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📷  I wonder how the will post with a photo.
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