“- Where were you last night? - That’s so long ago I don’t remember. - Will I see you tonight? - I never make plans that far ahead.” Casablanca
Anagramme: La chute des corps - Hors du spectacle. Les lois de la chute des corps ne peuvent pas se déduire du spectacle de la chute des corps.
Why do we fall? So that we learn to pick ourselves up.
It’s not what you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you. Batman begins
“Music is bigger than words and wider than pictures”
Is Montaigne.io down or did I make something wrong with the metadata?? Still trying to revive my blog…
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This floated back to the surface of my memories today.
Paul Watson will not be extradited to Japan!
Vivre léger sur la terre.
When in doubt,make before you manage. T. Ferriss
Hi 1B here.