changelog for
- ✅ Add new icon to see post details.
- ✅ Show user name on the profile page.
- ✅ Implement Pinning of the messages.
- ✅ Implement Password Reset.
- ✅ Add tooltips to the buttons.
- ✅ Better styles for follow button.
- ✅ Truncate long usernames on mobile.
- ✅ Each user now has "Likes" tab.
- ✅ Fix global feed scrolling when not logged in.
- ✅ Fix tag links on the global and for you feeds.
- ✅ Split user's feed into "posts" and "replies" tabs.
- ✅ Fix OG image issue.
- ✅ Bluesky integration. Now messages are reposted automatically.
- ✅ Fixed issue with some messages having no avatars and usernames on the global feed.
- ✅ Public feed is live at explore
- ✅ Email notifications for likes. First version.
- ✅ Twitter integration is done. Reach out to enable.
- ✅ Change default font to San Francisco.
- ✅ Fix rendering issues for /mentiones tab.
- ✅ Improve rendering of replies.
- ✅ Change style of follow/unfollow buttons.
- ✅ Display likes on the post page.
- ✅ Hide likes from the reading feed.
- ✅ Make sure replies are shown nicely in the reading feed.
- ✅ Like button and likes are live.
- ✅ Follow/unfollow functionality is up.
- ✅ Home page now shows the feed from people you follow.
- ✅ Followers/following tabs are live.
- ✅ Show replies to the messages.
- ✅ Show reply count on the messages.
- ✅ Email notifications on each new mention.
- ✅ Fix few issues with client side navigation when content jumped.
- ✅ Make sure RSS feed contains links to images, audios and videos.
- ✅ Every user now has /mentions page.
- ✅ Convert CAF audio files on upload for portability.
- ✅ Convert TIFF image files on upload for portability.
- ✅ Videos are now supported.
- ✅ Long links are formatted properly and do not break anymore.
- ✅ Usernames are case insensitive now.
- ✅ Support for mentions using @username syntax.
- ✅ Show time on messages in user's timezone.
- ✅ Support for message's subject.
- ✅ Fix pagination for tags' pages.
- ✅ Make messages draggable. You can drag and drop them into any text editor now.
- ✅ Enable HTTPS for everyone. Fix login issue.
- ✅ Support links in messages. They are clickable now.
- ✅ One more fix for edited message. If message has image and text it should work now.
- ✅ Tags inside messages are now supported.
- ✅ Support for deleting messages.
- ✅ Support for editing messages.
- ✅ Support for Open Graph Image on users' and messages' pages.
- ✅ Launched! 🎉🎉🎉