Growing concerns have prompted me to start preparing an offline version of Wikipedia. I aim to download or save every webpage that interests me. This endeavor is crucial for helping me maintain sanity in an uncertain future. In ancient China, prior to the dark era, foresighted scholars would prepare their private libraries, maybe it’s for the same reason.
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the best notice of store relocation
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『陽焰空花』 [dust in the sunlight and illusory flowers] From Buddhist verses
舉水 [⛓️‍💥舉水河 ] The river that crosses my hometown. How to translate it? Jǔ-river or raise-river ? I like Jǔ.But I’m a litter confuse, both “河” and “水”  have the meaning of river.The “水” was used in ancient.So “舉水河” translates to Jǔ-river-river.Like a song.
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“守信的烏魚來了,每年到了冬至前後,烏魚群便會自寒凍的北方,偕行南下,在臺灣南端的溫暖海域產卵。因著這歲歲相見的約定,烏魚就這麼被詩人浪漫地稱為「信魚」。 烏魚來,是冬已至,就算不是雪花飛絮的國度,也已是足足讓人念想溫暖和煦的寒冷程度。年中白晝至短的日子到了最後一天,也是太陽曆年中的最尾一個節氣,當烏魚洄游,而你也回過頭,這一年,你會想起些什麼? 確實,有天肉身會歸去,回到任何愛與恨都不再具有意義的所在,但此時此刻,身裡那些愛的、恨的;潔淨的、污濁的,都真實得五臟六腑也感覺得到,來時路途烙下的印記,再撫摸一遍,便和喜悅與苦厄都和解,然後才往前。 在下一年還有一段距離的時間裡,看山的高、海的廣,收下島嶼對生命的祝福,倒數新芽初生的日子” From:[ ]
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still amazing album
i need a language to talk Maybe ¡hola! Maybe hello Maybe mòyāngliao Not be nihao Not be 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 i know that i need it So whatever i will find it
test blve 泗哈揽瑟
sāngwu ho hōngca, zōngwu ho kāfei, xiāwu ho jīnyīnhua, mó bà zīga gàoceng jiweijiù🍹
电吹风的粉红色握手逐渐有了肉味 自吹风口往里望去 越过塑料隔栏和金属发热网 可以看到一丛毛发鬅乱 “难怪这风现在适宜了起来”
拔林站;balin;BANANA;拔林仔;芭樂 🔗 [ ]
hello imessage